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Our home is in the small town of Ansley, Custer County, Nebraska. We are a Christian family of three, plus 2 dogs, 1 cat and 3 fish. We were given a handmade bar of soap as a gift and when it was gone we were wishing we had more.
That simple gift started the ball rolling and as they say "the rest is history". We love to create hand made items that are both artistic and functional. My husband makes all of our wooden molds mostly from recycled materials, he has also made our signs and displays. It still amazes me how an idea told to him comes to life.
We decided that we needed some help, so asked our dear friends to join us in this journey. We put the Lord before anything in our lives and He truly blesses us each and every day.
Our hope and prayers are that you enjoy visiting this site and purchase some of our wonderful products.
God bless you all.
Live, Laugh, Love your Bath!
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